Planning & Zoning, Permitting, and Code Enforcement
The City of Jonestown Development Services Department is responsible for
- Planning and Zoning
- Subdivision Platting
- Permitting
- Inspections for Construction
- Code Enforcement
- Health Permits
- Short-term Rental Licensing
MyGovernmentOnline Permit and Inspection software is available for City of Jonestown projects.
For instructions on how to set up your user account and get started, see the Customer Portal Guide & Instructions.
Fees: You can pay your Permit fees or invoices online by credit card. You will need to have your permit number or jobsite address, and amount to be paid. There will be a $3 minimum credit card processing fee.
Contact Information
Cynthia Jolly, Development Services Director, Email:
Vacant, Planner II, Email:
Gregory LeBlanc, Planner, Email:
Misti Perez, Planner, Email:
Phillip Thompson, Building Inspector, Email
Building Permitting and Inspections Email:
- Location: 18649 FM 1431, Suite 16, Jonestown, TX, 78645
- Phone: 512-267-0359
- Hours: Monday - Thursday, 7am-5pm, Friday 8am-12noon, excluding City Holidays
Planning & Development
Planning and Zoning staff are responsible for the implementation of the city’s comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, and other ordinances as they pertain to the city’s growth and development. The function of Planning and Zoning includes review of development and/or site plans and ensuring compliance with city ordinances, regulations, and codes. Responsibilities include providing public information to applicants and the evaluation of applications for land subdivision, site development, variances, zoning and more. Staff provides support and recommendations regarding applications to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustments and Appeals, and/or City Council.
Applicants with new projects are encouraged to schedule a pre-application meeting with City staff to discuss their project, the application process, and any questions they may have. To schedule a pre-application meeting, please email
On January 9, 2025, the Jonestown City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2025-O-650, an ordinance of the City of Jonestown, Texas, adopting a new Unified Development Code that reorganizes and amends several separate sections of City code regarding zoning and land use, subdivision and platting, building and construction and other development provisions; and Repealing Chapter 3 “Buildings”, Chapter 10 “Subdivision Regulation”, and Chapter 14 “Zoning” of the Code of Ordinances in their entirety.
City of Jonestown Building Codes\ The City of Jonestown has adopted the following Codes with an effective date of January 9, 2025:
- 2021 International Residential Code for One- and Two-family Dwellings (IRC)
- 2021 International Building Code (IBC)
- 2021 International Plumbing Code (IPC)
- 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
- 2021 International Mechanical Code (IMC)
- 2021 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC)
- 2021 International Existing Building Code (IEBC)
- 2021 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC)
- 2020 National Electric Code (NEC)
Effective January 9, 2025:
- 2021 International Fire Code (IFC)
All adopted ICC Codes are available by ordering through the International Code Council at
Building Inspections & Permits
In the City of Jonestown, building codes and ordinances have been enacted and amended by City Council when necessary to ensure good, safe buildings for the safety and welfare of the general public, owners and occupants of these buildings. Permits are the vehicles which the city uses to inspect all construction work as it progresses.
The property owner and contractor are jointly responsible for obtaining the proper permits, although the application and permitting process can be delegated to the contractor.
Why do I need a Building Permit?
- Building Permits are required to erect, alter or enlarge any structure on your residential or commercial property. Permits are required for work ranging from new construction, remodeling, repair and additions, to new roofs, swimming pools, retaining walls, lawn sprinklers and signs. Whether building a new facility or adding on, a request for a permit must be accompanied with a site plan that shows the proposed work and its location in relation to property lines and existing buildings. Plan diagrams and specifications assist in determining if the project conforms to building and zoning regulations.
See the Residential Building Packet for guidance and help with the building process.
- For further information, please refer to the Jonestown Unified Development Code available online at > Documents > Planning: City Adopted Plans > Unified Development Code Adopted January 9, 2025.
How do I obtain a Building Permit?
- An application, which is available from the Development Services Department or online, must be submitted along with construction plans, survey or plot plan and other documents, depending on the scope of your project. Plans must be drawn to scale, dimension and of sufficient clarity to be read easily. All utility easements, building lines, and drainage easements must be shown. A complete checklist is available to help you determine all the required submittals. New applicants are encouraged to schedule a pre-application meeting with City staff prior to submitting their project application.
How long does it take to get a Building Permit?
- The amount of time varies based on the complexity of the work. Generally, you can expect Residential Building Permits to take up to 10 business days; Commercial Building Permits may take up to 30 business days. These estimates do not include the time required by the applicant to make corrections requested by the plan reviewer. Completed submittals move faster through the process.
- Most Electrical, Plumbing, Irrigation, Heating and Air Conditioning Permits will be available over-the-counter from the Development Services Department.
Do I need an Inspection in Jonestown?
- Permits are the first step in the City’s building approval process. Inspections are the second step. Inspections are required throughout the course of a project to ensure that material used meets city standards and codes, that quality work has been performed and that the structure does not encroach on other properties or utility easements. The contractor must request that the city perform the proper inspections at the proper stage of work. A final inspection is required before the city will release the structure for occupancy. For a complete list of required inspections for each type of project, contact the Development Services Department.
Code Enforcement
Code requirements are those minimum standards designed to secure the interests of public safety, health and general welfare through incidental to use and occupancy of all types of structures. The primary role of the code enforcement officer is to prevent and eliminate hazards that could affect public safety. While citations for violations can be issued, the primary goal is for problems to be fixed by the property owner.
Code enforcement also addresses “bandit” signs and other violations of the City’s sign ordinance. Garage sales and ‘open house’ signs in the right-of-way or on utility poles can block views at intersections and clutter up the landscape.
Links & Information
- To download permit forms, applications, and additional information, please visit our Documents page.
- To view and download official city maps, please visit the City Maps section in our Documents page.
- For interactive web maps, shapefile downloads, and more GIS data, please visit us on our ArcGIS Online page.